Saturday, 30 August 2014

#ootd: little red

Howdy mates, how are all you fine people doing? :)
I'm trying out a different kind of post today and so hope you all enjoy it. I have been super duper busy with yearly exams coming up as well as my textiles project and folio so stress levels are high. I wanted to write a new post and I know I owe you the last instalment of my holiday photos but they take up quite a time to organise so I thought this outfit post would be something quick and light.

Sorry for the selfie but I was super proud of my eyeliner. (did I really use a peace sign - currently questioning my life choices)
Let me tell you all the story of this coat. When I was in Year 4 I travelled to England with my family and while in London bought this beautiful coat. Year 4 !!! That means I was 9 !!! The problem is I love it to much to ever get rid of it and so of course the only logical solution is to continue wearing it :) Despite no longer being able to button it up I am completely committed to this coat and would marry it if I could :)
On a side note the weather today was so amazingly beautiful that I was going to burst from happiness. Winter is finally leaving and I will not be missing it :) Bring on summer, air-con and sweating as soon as you wake up :)
Sigh, who even talks about the weather? I'm such a boring person.
Until next time little munchkins,
Alex xx

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Day in the Life #3: Croatia

Happy Sunday everyone, I hope you all had a fabulous week.
Here is the third instalment of my European holiday for you all :)

Sunset in Luka, this was taken around 10 o'clock at night because the sun sets so late

Oh look it's me and some flowers. We went on a road trip up to these cliffs which has an incredible view
After spending two weeks in Croatia we flew back into Germany. From the airport we took a very long car drive into the Black Forest region. Sharing the backseat with my brother for hours on end was not exactly enjoyable. The car trip was definitely worth it though because it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The little hotel we were staying in was gorgeous and we were surrounded by mountains covered in fog, it was like something out of a fairytale (it was also absolutely freezing).
The most beautiful hotel in the whole entire world

The normal sibling antics

German food is the best!!!! Don't worry, the beer was Dad's
Highlights of our German adventures include hiking to see the most breathtaking waterfalls and our mission to find the world's largest cuckoo clock (we succeeded). Of course I can't forget the amazing German food, we ate sausages galore as well as Black Forest cake (of course).
Waterfall party!! WOO HOO

The worlds largest cuckoo clock. One to tick off my bucket list :)
As if our hotel could get any better - they had three little bunnies !!!!! 
That's it for this blogpost, farewell dearest friends xxx

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Day in the Life # 2: Germany and Croatia

Hi everyone !!
Sorry that it has been way too long, I have been so busy with the Chemistry trial and a million other things that I never found time. But now I have made time and the time is right now :)
Here are some more photos from my holiday which seems now to have occurred in my distant past.
Also, exciting news. The little video diary I kept whilst on holiday is (slowly) being uploaded onto youtube. The link for the first instalment is here: I hope you all enjoy it and it provides some sort of entertainment because it was extremely fun to film and I'd love to do it again if I ever have an opportunity so let me know what you guys think.

The following two photos are from Germany, I have to say that Munich was definitely my favourite part of the entire trip. I can't pin point it exactly but I'd have to say it has something to do with the atmosphere and fact that it is a very beautiful city.
Neuschwanstein Castle. Crazy King Ludwig had indoor caves installed because well . . why not?
Bike riding through Munich, definitely one of my highlights
Next stop Croatia !! Our plane from Munich to Zadar was the smallest I have ever seen and to be perfectly honest I was scared for my life. After we had landed and my heart had returned to its normal speed I was able to enjoy the lovely warm weather and presence of my relatives (who by the way have the best recipe for Nutella croissants!).

Paint Ball with my gorgeous cousins and uncle. The bruises lasted for weeks but it was worth it.

Oliver and I in front of the 'Donut' in Zadar, we could totally pass as statues right?
 From Zadar we caught a boat to Dugi Otok, the island where my Mum was born. On Dugi Otok we stayed in the village of Luka (permanent population: 70), definitely not what I was used to. Every day we would wake up, swim, talk to thousands of crazy relatives and then go to sleep. The one thing I learnt while over there was that I was related to everyone I met (and I mean EVERYONE).
Oh Sali, you are trully beautiful (and abundant with cats)

Practicing some yoga :) How amazing and blue is the water ?!!!!

Another shot of the amazing water in Luka, someone take me back please!
That's all for this post, I hope you all liked it. I only have one or more instalments to write before I reach the end of my trip. I'm really enjoying looking over it all, it brings back such nice memories as I set here in the FREEZING COLD labouring over the millions of school assessments I have to work on. 
In all seriousness I complain way too much, life is wonderful and I'm loving every second of it :)
Until next time, 
Alex   ox