Friday, 6 June 2014

Hello, Bonjour, Konichiwa, Aloha . . . .

My grass is looking abnormally green

Wow, hey there.
I’m writing a blog and you, whoever you may be, are reading it (stating the obvious here).
I’m Alex, a high school student from Sydney, and at the moment my life is basically as busy as it could possibly, possibly be (slight exaggeration), so it only seemed logical to start a blog :). To be honest it’s probably not the best idea because, naturally, it will take up time that should be used for schoolwork. For example right now I am supposed to be summarizing my notes on esterification (cyber hi-five if you know what that is). But despite the fact that I am currently facing a giant, slobbering trigonometry monster, I really wanted the opportunity to share my thoughts with the world.
So hello world, thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoy your stay :). Actually, on second thought the only people reading this would probably be my friends, and only because I have forced them to.
I am not 100% certain about where I want to go with this blog but it’s something I’ve wanted to do for quite a while. I don’t want to be restricted by a particular theme but instead I want it to be a place for anything and everything that I love and want to share with you. I’m planning on posting things on fashion, inspiration, tips, motivational quotes and just day to day life.
I’m also very privileged as I am taking a holiday to Europe in two weeks so hopefully I’ll be able to share lots of photos and fun stuff from my trip.
Basically it sounds like a good time had by all, am I right?
Rhetorical question, of course I’m right :)
Lots of love, Alex
(Is that weird to say love?
You could be a robot for all I know.
However I do not wish to promote robot discrimination.
So love it will be :) )


  1. Yay Alex! It looks wonderful!!

    1. thanks so much charm, it means a lot :)

  2. Aww I love it!! Good job, well done, pat on the back etc. I wish the all the best for your future blogging and can't wait to read each and every post :)

    1. hahah sam, your well wishes are greatly appreciated :)

  3. Your blog looks amazing!! Can't wait to read more! xx
